How Long is The Invisalign Treatment Process?

Invisalign is an effective type of orthodontic treatment that helps patients get a straight smile and a healthy bite. Clear aligners are extremely popular among patients because they provide a discreet way to achieve great results.

Even so, Invisalign is not without its commitments. You’ll have to wear your trays for at least 22 hours every single day and be very careful with your oral hygiene. So you might be wondering how long your treatment will last.

The simple answer is: it depends.

Keep reading to find out more.

How Does Invisalign Work? 

Invisalign trays put pressure on the teeth, which slowly pulls them into their most optimal position to correct your smile or bite.

The trays are custom-made for you based on a scan of your teeth, which is sent to an Invisalign facility. There, the team creates multiple sets of aligners designed to move your teeth until they reach their ideal spot.

In a way, Invisalign is similar to braces in that they both put controlled pressure on teeth to move them. Unlike braces, Invisalign is unnoticeable and provides a bit more comfort since you can remove them before eating or drinking anything other than water.

The Average Invisalign Treatment Process

Simple cases of misalignment could be treated through Invisalign in as little as 6 months. 

However, the extent and length of your treatment depend on a few key factors:

  • Severity: Invisalign can treat minor to moderate misalignment and bite issues. Patients with moderate problems will need more sets of trays than those who only require minor corrections to their smile.
  • Response: Each patient is different, and there is no way to say how well your teeth will respond to the Invisalign treatment. This can slightly delay the treatment if your teeth are slower to migrate.
  • Compliance: You will need to wear your trays for at least 22 hours every single day. Failing to comply with this key requirement can further delay your treatment, as your teeth will shift back to their initial position if the pressure on them isn’t constant.

Compared to braces, Invisalign treatment is usually shorter. The path the teeth follow is much more precise thanks to the scans made at the beginning of your treatment. More serious cases can be treated in around 24 months or so.

Invisalign also cannot treat severe cases of malocclusion and misalignment, which will still require braces. As a result, clear aligner therapy usually lasts less because it fixes cases where the teeth don’t need to move a lot or require special movements like rotating the tooth.

Getting Invisalign at Kinard Family Dental 

Dr. Sarah Kinard is here to help you find out if Invisalign is the right treatment for you and guide you toward a straight smile and a healthy bite.

Schedule a consultation at Kinard Family Dental online and discover your options.

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