How Long Does Full Mouth Rehabilitation Take?

If you're considering full mouth rehabilitation, you may be wondering how long the process will take. Full mouth rehabilitation is a comprehensive dental treatment that involves restoring or replacing all of the teeth in the upper and lower jaws. The duration of the treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of your case and the specific treatments involved. In this blog post, we'll explore the different factors that can affect the timeline of full mouth rehabilitation and give you a better understanding of what to expect.

Complexity of the Case

The complexity of your case plays an important role in determining the timeline of your full mouth rehabilitation. Every patient is unique, and the specific dental issues you're facing will impact the treatment plan. Some patients may require extensive dental work, such as extractions, bone grafting, or orthodontic treatment before the rehabilitation begins. This can add to the overall timeline of your smile restoration. 

Restorative Procedures Involved

The specific restorative procedures involved in your full mouth rehabilitation will also affect the duration of the treatment. Depending on your dental needs, you may require treatments such as dental implants, dental crowns, bridges, or dentures. Each of these procedures has its own timeline, and multiple appointments may be necessary to complete them. For example, dental implant placement typically requires a healing period before the final restoration can be attached.

Collaboration Among Dental Specialists

Full mouth rehabilitation often involves collaboration among different dental specialists, such as prosthodontists, oral surgeons, and orthodontists. Each specialist will play a crucial role in your treatment, and their schedules may need to be coordinated to ensure a smooth and efficient process. This collaboration can sometimes extend the overall treatment duration, as it may take time to schedule and coordinate appointments with multiple specialists.

Patient Compliance and Healing Time

Your adherence to the treatment plan and your body's healing time can also impact the duration of full mouth rehabilitation. Following your dentist's instructions, attending all scheduled appointments, and maintaining good oral hygiene are essential for the success and timeliness of the treatment. Additionally, healing time after certain procedures, such as dental implant placement or bone grafting, varies from person to person. It's important to allow enough time for proper healing before moving forward with the next steps of the treatment.

Schedule Your Full Mouth Rehabilitation Consultation Today

If you're ready to transform your smile and regain your dental health, it's time to take the first step. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sarah Kinard at Kinard Family Dental. Our experienced team will evaluate your dental needs, discuss your treatment options, and provide you with a personalized treatment plan. Don't wait any longer to achieve the smile of your dreams. Call us at (210) 695-1200 and take the first step towards a confident and healthy smile.

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