Dental Implants

Restorative Dentistry in Helotes, TX

Keep your smile feeling and functioning at its absolute best with restorative dentistry. From simple procedures like dental fillings, to more complex solutions like dental prosthetics and root canal therapy, restorative dentistry aims to revitalize decayed or damaged teeth. With our comprehensive restorative care, you can take back your overall oral health so you can eat, laugh, and smile with confidence.

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Restorative Dentistry

Dental inlays & Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are an effective solution to restore your teeth. Dental inlays are used to restore the grooves between the cusps of a tooth, while onlays cover the entire chewing surface of the tooth. Both dental inlays and onlays can be made from a variety of materials, including tooth-colored composite to improve the look and function of your smile.

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Crowns

If you're dealing with cracked or damaged, dental crowns can restore your smile! Crowns are tooth-shaped "caps" that protect your tooth's natural root and revitalize the function of your bite. If you've received a root canal or dental implant, a crown can also be used to bring back the health of your tooth. Since dental crowns can be made from many materials, they are ideal for a variety of restorative and cosmetic applications, so you can smile with confidence.

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Implants

Missing a tooth? Need an extraction? The look of your smile, functionality of your bite, and overall oral health can all be restored by a dental implant. Dental implants are the most secure, long-lasting tooth replacement, and the only one that actually halts the progression of bone loss. They're one of the most secure ways to restore lost teeth, so get in touch with us today to see if implants are right for you!

Cosmetic Dentistry

Full-Mouth Rehabilitation

If you need more than just one treatment for your teeth, you’ve come to the right place. We offer full-mouth rehabilitation to get your oral health back on track with a comprehensive approach. Full-mouth rehabilitation consists of a variety of treatments performed over time, focused to get your mouth healthy. This can solve issues of tooth wear, missing teeth, decayed teeth, discoloration, and more. Together, we will go over your options and create a customized treatment plan to get you a healthy, beautiful smile.

Restorative Dentistry


Dentures are a removable, affordable solution that can complete your smile after missing one or all of your natural teeth. To ensure a natural look and feel, most dentures are made of a combination of acrylic and metal and are custom-crafted for a comfortable fit. Looking to see if dentures are right for you? Schedule a consultation to find out if a set of full or partial dentures can restore your bite. It's about time you got back to living your life with a smile.

Restorative Dentistry

Root Canal Therapy

Toothaches are often a sign of a serious infection and can cause serious pain. There's no need to wait in discomfort any longer thanks to root canal therapy. This common procedure can provide you with much-needed relief and restore the health of your tooth. Plus, root canals can save your tooth from an extraction so you can smile with comfort and confidence.

Restorative Dentistry


Extractions are always our last option — saving your smile is our number one priority. However, a problematic tooth is sometimes more trouble than it's worth. Your doctor may recommend an extraction as the best way to get your oral health back on the right path. With gentle techniques, and local anesthesia or sedation, decaying teeth can be removed to alleviate your discomfort or to make room for dental implants, a bridge, or another type of tooth replacement.